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I see on my report that something needs "additional investigation" beyond this inspection. What does that mean?

This comment is included in your report when the extent of the damage is unknown, the area was not accessible, or specialized expertise is required because the issue is beyond the scope of a standard home inspection. For accurate Massachusetts home inspection additional investigation guidance, it’s essential to consult an experienced and licensed tradesperson. Our final report will specify the type of specialist needed or the conditions required to complete the investigation. For more information about the scope of home inspections, visit the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI).

Massachusetts Home Inspection Additional Investigation Guidance

During a home inspection, certain findings may require further evaluation by a licensed specialist. This is often noted in the report as "additional investigation" and indicates that the issue falls outside the scope of the standard inspection. At MKC Associates, we provide clear recommendations to guide homeowners through the next steps.

Why "Additional Investigation" May Be Required

Home inspectors are trained to evaluate accessible areas and report on visible issues. However, some situations require specialized expertise:

Next Steps for Additional Investigation

When additional investigation is recommended, our report will detail which systems or components need attention and suggest the type of professional required. For example:

For a deeper understanding of what a home inspection covers and when additional investigation may be necessary, visit this ASHI guide.

If you’re unsure how to proceed with additional investigations, MKC Associates is here to help. Contact us for further guidance or to schedule a follow-up inspection.

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If you’re ready to take the next step toward a lifelong dream, schedule your property inspection today. Our team is available 7 days a week to deliver outstanding inspections and best-in-class service. Call to ask about our discounts for teachers, police, firefighters, veterans, active-duty military, seniors, and repeat customers.

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Request Your Boston Home Inspection Today

If you’re ready to take the next step toward a lifelong dream, schedule your property inspection today. Our team is available 7 days a week to deliver outstanding inspections and best-in-class service. Call to ask about our discounts for teachers, police, firefighters, veterans, active-duty military, seniors, and repeat customers.

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